Thanks to my sis for taking pics of little K's birthday present since I forgot to do so (I forgot to iron it too- strange, because I had a present done a week early for once in my life and forgot to do both- thanks for taking care of both sis!).
I'm trying to be better about posting my sewing projects. I've sewn a lot of burp cloths and nursing covers for friends lately, but those aren't too exciting... this, on the other hand, was loads of fun. I think little E was jealous because I've never made anything for her that's even remotely this cute. Poor girl.
I always add my own little touches when I sew clothes, and this time I added three rolled roses on the dress, a headband with a rolled rose, and ruffles on the bloomers. I almost didn't give this little outfit away. I can't wait to see K in this!

I love this closeup... and especially the pic on the right with K's tiny hand in the shot