Sunday, October 24, 2010

M Family {New York City Family Portaits}

Meet the M Family: Dad, Lollipop Girl, Batman, and Mom (Halloween costumes make great nicknames... and result in awesome smiles) We had a delightful session on this perfect day in NYC. I can't even describe how amazing it is shooting here. Not that Utah isn't fabulous, but let's face it, there's probably not a cooler place to be a portrait photographer.

I loved capturing the amazing bond these parents share with their darling children. Batman and Lollipop Girl are the sweetest little friends. I'm hoping my kids like each other as much as these two do.

For you NYC mamas out there, Jessica writes for Macaroni Kid, a weekly newsletter of family-friendly events and activities based on your neighborhood. She writes for downtown NYC and you can check out her site HERE

and the "we're done, lady" shot (one of my favorites)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jones' Blessing Day {8.29.2010}

Our baby Jones was blessed on the 28th of August. My husband gave him a beautiful blessing at our church service (for more information regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, go here), and afterward we had a gathering with our family members at our apartment.

This was the day before we moved out of our little apartment in Orem, and it was very fitting that we had one last little event before we parted ways. I got a little carried away with the "light refreshments" as usual. But hey, you can't blame me, right? I had to get it out of my system before I moved across the country with no friends or family to entertain. It will probably be a while before we host something like this. Sad.

My favorite bits were the tiny elephants and the Jones soda :)

My Mom bought Jones' blessing clothes and came early to get him dressed. All of these images were taken by me, except the last five of me and Jones, which Erin took. Thanks Erin!

And I strong-armed my sis into taking portraits of me and my baby boy on his special day- I adore these. Thanks, Erin. (taken by Erin, edited by me)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sixth Avenue Bokeh {NYC Night Scene}

As I impatiently rocked my stroller back and forth at the crosswalk in an effort to keep my children asleep, I got bored. Clearly, I have no patience.

I was momentarily mesmerized by the leaves silhouetted by oncoming headlights, but that only took up a few seconds of the wait through this inordinately long light. I checked the status of the lit up red hand as the cabs flew by. Alas, still red.

I gazed down 6th Ave, noticed all the colors, and had a flashback to last summer when I devoted an entire evening to creating colorful night scenes using available light. And instead of sprinting across Central Park South when the green man lit up, I rocked the stroller through two more traffic light cycles before continuing on my way.

same view- shot in a different way:

and an office building a few blocks down:

when I normally shoot, I aim for tack-sharp images. The night scenes below (except the first one) are created using the exact opposite technique to produce the desired effect- they are completely out of focus. Simply turn off your auto-focus, adjust your focus ring so that the image is blurry (out of focus), and shoot away. Turn the ring to increase or decrease the size of the dots.

Try it sometime.

I double dare you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chasing Van Gogh {Seeing Starry Night}

I hope to share a bit of what daily life is like here for us in NYC... this city is filled to the brim with every good thing and I hope to capture as much as I can and share what I find with you.

Last Friday our little family went to the MOMA (it's free every Friday from 4-8pm). I can't wait to go back on my own to shoot there. Stay tuned :)

I've been chasing Van Gogh's Starry Night for over 7 years and I finally saw it on Friday. It has been on loan off and on for a number of years, and I feel like I've been chasing this painting forever. I just missed it at the MOMA in 2003, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam in 2005, it was in Berlin the whole time we were in the UK at grad school, and then it's been hopping all over Europe and various museums in the USA whenever I've been in NYC or London... basically wherever I am, it's not. I didn't even realize it was at the MOMA and hardly believed my eyes when I saw it, did a double take, and nearly tripped while I chased my daughter through one of the galleries.

It was the most wonderful surprise. Seeing art I've studied is like seeing an old friend. This old friend brought me to tears. There's nothing better than seeing a Van Gogh in person, and Starry Night certainly did not disappoint.

Art museums are fun with kids, by the way. It's so much fun to play "I Spy..." and have them point out shapes and colors. When she was little we'd ask "what do you see?", but now that Ella is talking I love to ask "what do you like about this picture?" and hear her response.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

V Family {Central Park Family Portraits}

A fabulous family, my favorite part of Central park, gorgeous light- what a perfect way to spend an autumn morning in New York City. By the way, if you ever come to NYC, get up way early and get to Bethesda Fountain and the Mall before 8am on a weekday. You'll have the place to yourself like we did. It was amazing.

My sister Erin came along as second shooter (she happened to be visiting when this shoot was scheduled, lucky for her and lucky for me!) and you can see some of her fabulous shots HERE