My grandparents work in the kitchen together, which I think is really special. My grandpa helps with all the food prep and my Grandma does the actual baking. My Grandpa zested and juiced at least 15 lemons for these lovely tarts. There are three separate parts to the lemon tart recipe, and making a batch is definitely a labor of love. My Great Grandmother used to roll out each individual tart shell, and so did my Grandma until my Mom gave her Tart Dough Tamper. It makes the work far easier, especially when you are making 4 dozen tarts.
I am determined to have more cooking/baking experiences with my mom and grandma. And I am also determined to start hand-writing my favorite recipes. I love seeing tried-and-true recipes that are so beat up you can barely read them (I think there will be a fist fight over my mom's brownie recipe that looks a lot like the recipe below)
I'm now on the hunt for some lovely, classic recipe card design. If only I had a typewriter.