I turned 26 last week and goodness I feel old. We celebrated, after Kyle took his last final, by going to Pizzeria 712 and then to the movie
Australia. Pizzeria 712 is amazing if you love gourmet pizza, and we had an appetizer featuring roast duck, boiled cherries, and lentils that was absolutely amazing. The atmosphere was fantastic, and both the pizzas we ordered were delicious. I ordered the pizza with butternut squash, caramelized onions, gorgonzola cheese, and rosemary. Amazing.
Australia was a great film. Had the potential to be fantastic, but it was WAY too long and there were a lot of holes in the plot. It would be a great movie to get from redbox so that you can enjoy the three hour flick from the comfort of your own couch.
Thanks to all of you who send cards, emails, texts, or stopped by. This birthday was definitely one of the best yet.