I've decided that the cure for the post-holiday blues is to have a January baby. I got Christmas cleaned up with a cheery heart in anticipation of Ella's birthday party. I had a wee bit too much fun planning for this event, and I couldn't have been happier with how it turned out. The theme was a coloring party based on a Charlie and Lola book called "I Absolutely MUST do Coloring Now... or painting or drawing" which is absolutely perfect for her. She is obsessed with coloring and she's pretty bossy. The kids who came got the book as their favor to take home.
My favorite little details were the butterfly garlands, the balloons, the treats wrapped in baker's twine and glassine bags at the candy bar, and the paper bands around the sandwiches and salad wraps. The kids loved the little table covered with butcher paper that they could color. I think everyone got a kick out of the pink milk (strawberry milk) too.
The color palate sprung up from yards of fabric that I purchased to make Ella a quilt. I am still searching for the perfect quilt pattern, but it was fun to be able to use the fabric as decor with the gallery wraps and table cloths.
Oh, and of course, the absolutely INCREDIBLE cake! We hired our friend
Pete to design and create this stunning work of art. I nearly cried when he carried it through the door because it was more perfect than I could have imagined. Seriously, if you want to make your party a smash hit, hire
Pete to create a culinary work of art for you. My family put in a lot of work to help me with the food and getting all the details just perfect. Thanks to everyone!
Ok, I know I post too many pictures on a regular basis, but this post is going to take the cake. Epic, I tell you. I sifted through hundreds of images that my sister Erin took from the party and just had to share all of these with you and no less. She has an incredible eye for capturing details, and as you will see, she captured this event perfectly. After seeing these images, perhaps you'll feel like you were here at this intimate little gathering for Ella last weekend. Wish we could have invited all our family and friends!
The invitations were designed by
Erin (woman of many talents, indeed). All images were taken by Erin and editing by yours truly, unless noted. There are about 10 pictures that I took, the rest belong to Erin. Enjoy!
Color Palate: red, yellow, pink, and orange (with a little pastel blue and green mixed in too)
MENU:Chicken caesar Salad Wraps
Club sandwiches on wheat bread
Fruit kabobs
Veggie tray
Sliced tomatoes and Rondele on mini toast (with parsley garnish)n
pink milk
raspberry sherbet slush
Red velvet cake with cream cheese and raspberry filling
Candy bar with takeaway bags for the guests


images by me

image by me

DECORATIONS: I cut out butterflies (shaped like hearts, like the butterflies from Charlie and Lola) from my paper stash and then sewed them together to make bunting. I took down a few of our pictures and replaced them with two 16x20 canvases I wrapped in fabric, and four 5x5 inch canvases that I put charm pack squares on, and then stuck pictures of Ella on them with yellow quilting pins. A dozen balloons, butcher paper on the table for kids to color on, and that was it. Easy and inexpensive.

images by me
images by me
images by me

above images by me
images by me