My dear, dear husband planned our trip during the first week of the MLB playoffs. That's love. I took these during the 15 minutes he used to catch up on the baseball events of the day during the sports center highlights. I got bored after having to spend 15 minutes by myself and thought that the slit in the curtain would make a really cool catch light.
I totally got made fun of for taking self portraits of myself (yes, very silly), and I totally made fun of myself when I saw that there was sand in my hair. I got the crap beat out of me by a couple of waves while I was body surfing after our snorkeling adventure one day (where we saw three sea turtles at once! Amazing!). And I was still finding sand like 5 hours later, even after a shower.
I have been meaning to post about why I love bangs (or fringe, for you Brits out there)... this probably isn't the best example since they'd air-dried after said snorkeling trip/sand wipeout... but can I tell you how amazing it is to have a hairdo that blow dries in 20 seconds flat. I still can pull my hair back, but my bangs help me look like I actually try. My friend Melanie inspired me to 'defrump' myself (she posted about a fabulous handbag, I'm posting about hair), and I really think that cutting bangs has given me the motivation I need to actually get dressed and do my hair every day. Oh, and I think they're flattering.
These pictures remind me that I need to have someone show me how to use makeup at some point in my life. Want to know what's in my makeup bag? Mascara and an eyelash curler. Yea, I think 26 is prime time to learn how to use the rest of that stuff. Heaven knows I need it.
Time for bed. I'm getting a wee bit loopy.